The question being asked at this time is what is going to be the future of card counters in black jack. are the times of card counting over? Most believe so.
Automated shuffling is being utilized in todays tables which makes tracking shuffles or card counting impractical. The land based casinos are going to place shuffling machines at the tables.
It is said that in locations like sin city, video cameras are being used to monitor the skill of the players and intelligent twenty-one tables that tracks players hands and game plans by utilizing magnetic chips.
The Control Board in Nevada, an group that protects fair gaming has ruled that casinos may not alter the games in a way that would alter the frequency of the pay outs. Since then, many Nevada brick and mortar casinos train their croupiers to count cards and shuffle whenever they want, also a wide variety of betting houses retain information of card count, this information consists of names and pictures to keep them away from the game.
So what will be the outlook of this black jack "war"? is it just starting or will it soon reach an end? Regardless of all their most recent tech, political and monetary affects, I believe there is still a chance for a joyful ending. With more than twenty-five states within the US allowing blackjack games, there are more profit possibilities for card counters than back in the olden days.
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